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GL본드를 사용한 석고보드를 붙이는 방법에 대하여:내구성과 효율성을 겸비한 인테리어공사

안녕하세요. 사무실회복닷컴입니다.


저희 회사는 도쿄도 도시마구이케부쿠로에 사무실을 두고 관동일대에서 인테리어공사원상회복공사를 운영하고 있습니다.

이번 블로그에서는 사무실의 다양한 주제에 대해 설명하거나 시공사례를 공유하려고 합니다.

여러분이 알기 쉽게, 그리고 이후에 인테리어공사에 대하여 생각하시는 여러분께 유익한 정보를 제공해 나가겠습니다.


사무실의 인테리어공사라면 저희회사로 문의,상담 주십시오.


이번에 소개해드리는것은 떡가베공법(GL)의 일부입니다.


GL본드를 사용한 석고보드를 붙이는 방법에 대하여


이번에는 실제의 시공방법에 대하여 소개해드리겠습니다.


Tiger GL Bond /타이거 GL 본드: 요시노석고주식회사사이트로부터(일본어)


인테리어공사에 있어서 석고보드는 널리 사용되는 소재의 하나입니다.

그중에서도 GL본드는 훌륭한 접착려과 내구성을 가지고 있고 석고보드를 붙이는데 효과적입니다.

GL본드를 사용하여 석고보드를 붙이는것은 효율적이고 균일한 마무리를 실현할 뿐만아니라 내구성도 향상시킬수 있습니다.


다음은 GL본드를 사용하여 석고보드를 붙이는 방법과 그 장점에 대하여 상세하게 소개해드리겠습니다.



GL본드를 사용하는 시공시의 사진




GL본드란 무엇인가?

GL본드의 특성과 용도에 대하여 설명하겠습니다.

GL본드는 목재랑 합판,석고보드등의 소재를 접착시킬때 사용되는 접착제입니다.

강력한 접착력과 내구성을 가지고 석고보드를 붙이는데 적합합니다.



GL본드를 사용한 석고보드의 붙이는 방법


1.기초재의 준비

벽면을 청소하고 평탄한 상태로 유지합니다. 필요함에 따라 기초처리를 진행합니다.

2.GL본드의 도포

석고보드의 뒷면에 균일하게 GL본드를 도포합니다.

적당한 양의 GL본드를 사용하여 얼룩이 없도록 도포에 유의합시다.

3.석고보드 붙이기

도포한 GL본드의 면과 벽면을 밀착시켜 석고보드를 붙입니다.

적절한 압력을 가하여 균일한 접착을 확보합니다.

4.건조와 마무리처리

붙인후 GL본드가 완전히 건조할때까지 기다립니다.

그후에 조인트처리메지처리)랑 표면의 마무리를 진행합니다.






메지처리공법은 석고보드를 붙이는데 있어서 석고보드의 접합부분이랑 균열,움푹 들어감 등의 처리를 진행하는 공정입니다.

석고보드는 한장의 큰 판뿐만아니라 필요한 치수에 따라 여러장을 합쳐서 붙인것으로 벽면이랑 천장을 형성합니다.

이 접합부분이랑 틈새를 메우고 균일하고 아름다운 마무리를 실현하기 위하여 메지처리가 진행됩니다.

메지처리는 GL공법에 있어서 석고 보드의 접합부를 깔끔하게 마무리하는 중요한 공정입니다.

아래에 일반적인 메지처리의 순서를 설명합니다.



1.조인트테이프를 붙이기

석고보드의 접합부에 메지테이프를 붙입니다.

조인트테이프는 균열을 방지하고 접합부를 강화하는 역할을 합니다.

접합부전체에 테이프를 균일하게 붙이도록 합니다.

테이프를 붙일 때는 접합부를 확실히 잘 눌리면서 작업한느것이 중요합니다.


2.조인트 컴파운드(본드)의 도포

조인트테이프를 붙인후 조인트 컴파운드(본드)를 사용하여 테이프를 메웁니다.

조인트 컴파운드(본드)는 석고보드의 표면에 부드럽게 정돈하고 접합부를 통합하는 역할을 합니다.

넓은 브러시와 스폰지를 사용하여 균일하게 컴파운드를 칠합니다.


3.컴파운드의 건조

조인트 컴파운트가 충분히 건조할때까지 기다립니다.

건조시간은 제품의 설명에 따라 확인합시다.

건조시간이 짧은 경우는 가열이랑 건조기를 사용함으로 빨리 건조시킬수 있습니다.



건조한 조인트 컴파운트를 매끄럽게 마무리하기 위해 모래스폰지를 사용하여 연마합니다.

불필요한 요철이랑 흠집을 제거하고 접합부를 균일한 상태로 정돈합니다.

샌딩후는 청소기랑 천으로 벽면을 청소합니다.


이상이 일반적인 조인트처리의 순서입니다.


다만,구체적인 순서랑 재료의 사용방법은 현장의 상황이랑 시공조건에 따라 다른 경우가 있습니다.

전문의 인테리어업자에 상다하고 적절한 조인트처리를 진행하는것을 추천합니다.


석고보드를 붙이는 사진




GL본드를 사용하여 석고보드를 붙이는 이점

・견고한 접착력

GL본드는 훌륭한 접착력을 가지고 석고보드를 벽면에 단단히 고정시킵니다.

・내구성의 향상

GL본드에 의한 접착은 내구성에 우수하고 장기간에 걸쳐 석고보드의 박리와 떠오르는것을 방지합니다.

・효율적인 시공

GL본드를 사용하는것으로 석고보드를 붙이는 작업이 신속히 및 순조롭게 진행됩니다.


주의사항과 전문가의 조언

・적절한 기초처리가 중요합니다. 벽면의 청소랑 평탄함을 꼼꼼히 진행합시다.

・GL본드의 적절한 도포양과 균일한 도포가 필요합니다. 설명서에 따라 작업을 진행하고 얼룩이 없이 붙이기에 유의합시다.

・필요에 따라 전문가의 조언이랑 지도를 받는것을 추천합니다.






GL본드를 사용하여 석고보드를 붙이는것은 인테리어공사에 있어서 효율성과 내구성을 추구하는데 있어서 중요한 수법입니다.

강력한 접착력과 내구성에 따라 석고보드의 박리와 떠오르는것을 방지하고 장기간에 걸쳐 아름다운 마무리를 유지합니다.

정확한 수법과 적절한 시공을 진행하면서 GL본드를 사용하여 석고보드를 붙이는것으로 내구성에 훌륭한 인테리어마무리를 실현할수 있을것입니다.


상담과 문의는 여기로부터(일본어)


인테리어공사를 고려하거나 의뢰하시는분은 부담없이 문의주세요.

고객님의 요망과 예산에 맞는 적절한 계획과 시공을 제안해드리겠습니다.



아래의 GL공법을 사용한 원상복구공사의 시공사례(일본어)도 같이 참조해주십시오.




오피스빌딩테넌트(가게) 원상복구공사,입주공사,이전,철퇴,리모델링등을 고려하신다면

저희 회사  사무실회복닷컴으로 문의 주세요.

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 으로부터도 문의할수 있습니다. 클릭하여 봐주시면 고맙습니다.


저희 회사는 견적으로부터 시공완료까지 모두 당사에서 실시함으로

고객님께조금이라도 싸게그리고 좋은 품질과 좋은것을제공하기 위하여 노력하고 있습니다.

도시마구의  인테리어업체원상회복공사라면 사무실회복닷컴 


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 3빌딩 4

TEL : 0120-978-226


大家好! 我们里是公室修复原状Dot.Com.网站

我们公司在东京都丰岛区池袋设置着办公室,在关东地区全域范围内正在从事施行 室内装饰最后工事・修复原状工事为主的室内装饰施工业界单位,为客户服务。


各位如果有了在办公室 室内装饰工事的任何要求,请跟我们相谈一下!















修复原状工事 指的是,租用出租住宅之际做的修缮・修改工事。























































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地址: 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226


What is original state recovery and restoration work? Important points of property renting

Hello, everyone! We here are Office recovery and restoration Dot.Com. website.

Our company office is set up at Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo, and in all over Kanto district, we are an interior decorative construction work contractor, mainly taking charge of Interior decorative finishing work・Original state recovery and restoration work for you.


Please take counsel on anything on office interior decorative work.


To readers of this article: When you lease a rental property, have you ever heard of the phrase「Original state recovery and restoration work」?

This phrase is pointed to be an important operation work executed before you leave the rental property.


This time, we are explaining original state recovery and restoration work in detail.




What is original state recovery and restoration work?


Original state recovery and restoration work is, pointed to be a remedial・repair and recovery work done, when leasing a rental housing residence.

In the case of renting a property, when moving in, the environment to live in is ready. However, before leaving it, it is required to be returned to the situation when moved in.


This is called「original state recovery and restoration」, and the work for that is called「original state recovery and restoration work」。



Why is original state recovery and restoration work necessary to do?


Because of the following reasons, original state recovery and restoration work is necessary to do:


1.Executing the contract condition: In the rental property contract, before leaving it, according to the settled contract condition, it should be returned to the original situation.

By doing original state recovery and restoration work, it is possible to execute the contract condition and to prevent to occur troubles.



2.For the following renter: If the renter before remains hurting and/or stains, as the result of original state recovery and restoration, the next renter may have to stay in uncomfortable environment.

By doing original state recovery and restoration work, it is possible to supply comfortable living environment to the next renter.



3.Refunding the deposit: In many cases, when renting a property, deposit is necessary to pay.

By doing original state recovery and restoration work and returning the property to clean situation, the deposit can be refunded smoothly.







Main contents of original state recovery and restoration work


Contents of Original state recovery and restoration work are different according to the rental property situations and contract contents.

However, as general contents, there are the following details:


●Changing wall paper and floor material

●Repairing and mending hurts and holes

●Cleaning, repairing and recovering water used areas

●Repairing and changing lighting fittings

●Repairing, painting doors and windows






Original state recovery and restoration work is, an indispensable process when renting a property.

In order to observe the contract condition, to provide comfortable environment to the next renter, and to receive the refund smoothly too, it is important to execute original state recovery and restoration work sufficiently.


By returning the property to the just moved-in state, it is possible to maintain recycling of the lease property, and to realize smooth moving-in and leaving procedure.


Please also refer to the below-mentioned blog by all means.


What is the merit of requesting original state recovery and restoration work(office・shop or store relocation) to an interior decorative work company?









On office building・tenant(shop or store)
original state recovery and restoration work, moving in work,
relocarion, withdrawal, reform work and so on, if you are considering to request,
please be sure to contact our company light heartedly!




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It is also possible to give us your inquiry from SNS social media.
Please be sure to see it together.


From price quotation up to construction work completion,
our company is directly managing and doing construction work by ourselves.

Our aim is, supplying
「reasonable construction work as much as possible, and high quality, better work service」
to our customers.


◆If you look for interior decorative work・original state recovery and restoration
work at Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, please look for Office recovery and restoration Dot.Com.◆

Address: 〒171-0014
4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building
62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

현장의 필수기술! 먹매김작업의 중요성과 그 역할

안녕하세요. 사무실회복닷컴입니다.


도쿄도이케부쿠로에 사무실을 두고 관동일대에서 인테리어공사・원상복구공사를 시공하는 인테리어공사회사입니다.


오늘은 건설현장에서는 빠질수 없는 기술의 하나인 「먹매김」에 대해 소개해드리겠습니다.

건축공사,인테리어공사,토목공사에 있어서 먹매김은 기본점을 설정하고 정확한 위치랑 각도를 표시하는 중요한 작업입니다.

정확한 먹매김작업은 건물의 안정성이랑 미관을 확보하는데 필수적입니다.


먹매김은 아래와 같은 선을 말합니다.





1.먹매김의 기초지식



・먹매김이란 무엇인가? 그 목적과 역할에 대하여

건축현장이랑 토목공사에 있어서 먹매김은 기본점을 설정하고 정확한 위치랑 각도를 표시하기 위한 중요한 작업입니다.

건물이랑 구조물의 설계도에 따라 현장의 바닥과 벽면에 표시를 하고 공사의 진행이랑 건물의 안전성을 확보합니다.

먹매김은 기둥이랑 벽, 보 등의 위치랑 각도를 정확하게 표시하는것으로 건물의 구조를 안정시키는 역할을 합니다.

또 먹매김은 건물의 미관이랑 균등도 확보하는 중요한 요소입니다.



・먹매김의 역사

먹매김의 역사와 그 중요성의 변천:먹매김은 예로부터 건설현장에서 사용되여 온 기술입니다. 고대이집트랑 고대로마의 건축물에서도 먹매김의 기술이 사용되였습니다.


그때는 실과 줄을 기준점으로 설정하였지만, 현대에서는 측량기구랑 레이저레벨등의 고도한 도구가 시용되게 되였습니다.


먹매김의 중요성도 변하여 더 정확한 측정이 요구되게끔 되였습니다.
건물의 안정성이랑 내진성의 향상에도 먹매김은 기여하고 있습니다.



・먹매김에 관한 기본적인 용어와 도구

먹매김작업에는 몇가지 기본적인 용어와 도구가 관련되어 있습니다.

먼저 기준점이란 건물이랑 구조물의 설계도에서 정해진 위치랑 각도를 표시하는 점입니다. 기준정을 설정하기 위해서 먹매김줄이랑 먹매김못,측량기구 등이 사용됩니다.


먹매김줄은 기준점의 위치를 표시하기 위하여 사용되며, 먹매김못은 실로 고정하기 위하여 사용됩니다.

측량기구는 수준기랑 광학레벨기, 레이저레벨등이 있으며 보다 정확한 측정을 진행하기 위하여 활용됩니다.







2.먹매김의 순서와 기술







기준점의 설정과 표시방법

먹매김작업에서는 먼저 건물이랑 구조물의 설계도를 바탕으로 기준점을 설정합니다.

기준점은 건물의 모서리,기둥,벽등의 중요한 부분에 설정죕니다.

측량기구를 사용하여 기준점의 위치랑 높이를 결정하여 그것에 맞춰서 먹매김줄을 칩니다.

먹매김줄은 기준점의 위치를 표시하기 위해 사용되며 건물의 각부의 표시에 활용됩니다.
표시에는 먹매김못이랑 테이프등이 사용되여 건물의 구조랑 치수를 명확하게 표시합니다.


먹줄긋는 방법과 정확한 각도의 확보

먹줄은 건물이랑 구조물의 요소를 표시하기 위하여 긋습니다.

먹줄을 기준선에 따라 긋고 먹을 도포하는것으로 먹줄을 만듭니다.

먹줄은 건물의 벽이랑 기둥등의 위치를 정확하게 표시하고 공사의 진행이랑 건물의 구조를 확인할때 중요한 역할을 합니다.


그리고 먹줄긋는 방법에는 정확한 각도를 확보하는것도 중요합니다.

각도를 정확하게 측정하기 위해서는 측량기구랑 기준기를 사용하는것이 일반적입니다.



먹매김의 정밀도와 환경요인에의 대응

먹매김작업의 정밀도는 건물의 안정성이랑 정확한 치수를 확보하는데 있어서 매우 중요합니다.

그러나 환경요인도 먹매김정밀도에 영향을 가져다주는 경우가 있습니다.

바람이랑 진동,온도의 변화등이 먹매김작업에 영향을 끼치는 가능성이 있습니다.

그러므로, 먹매김작업을 진행하기 전에 환경요인을 잘 고려하고 필요한 대책을 세우는것이 중요합니다.

또 정기적인 측정이랑 조정을 진행하는것으로 먹매김의 정밀도를 유지하는것도 필요합니다.







먹매김은 건축현장이랑 토목공사에 있어서 빠질수 없는 기술입니다.

정확한 기준점의 설정과 먹줄의 긋는 방법에 따라 건물의 안정성이랑 미관을 확보하는 역할을 합니다.

먹매김의 작업에는 기본적인 용어랑 도구,순서가 있으며 이러한것을 적절하게 활용하는것으로 높은 정밀도의 먹매김을 진행할수 있습니다.


또 환경요인에의 대응이랑 정기적인 조절도 먹매김작업의 중요한 요소입니다.

건축현장에서의 성공에는 먹매김기술과 지식이 필요합니다.


위의 정보를 참고로 건축현장에서의 먹매김작업에 도전해보십시오.



오피스빌딩테넌트(가게) 원상복구공사,입주공사,이전,철퇴,리모델링등을 고려하신다면

저희 회사  사무실회복닷컴으로 문의 주세요.

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 으로부터도 문의할수 있습니다. 클릭하여 봐주시면 고맙습니다.


저희 회사는 견적으로부터 시공완료까지 모두 당사에서 실시함으로

고객님께조금이라도 싸게그리고 좋은 품질과 좋은것을제공하기 위하여 노력하고 있습니다.

도시마구의  인테리어업체원상회복공사라면 사무실회복닷컴 


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 3빌딩 4

TEL : 0120-978-226

Required skill at the work site! Importance of so-called ink marking work and its role

Hello, everyone! We here are Office recovery and restoration Dot.Com. website.

Our company office is set up at Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo, and in all over Kanto district, we are an interior decorative construction work contractor, mainly taking charge of Interior decorative finishing work・Original state recovery and restoration work for you.


This time, we are taking up「so-called ink marking work」which is one of the indispensable skills at the construction site.

On construction work, interior decorative work, and civil engineering work, so-called ink marking work is an important work for setting reference point, and showing the precise position and angle.

Accurate so-called ink marking work is, a must for the building stability and for securing beauty.



So-called ink marking work is just the line drawn in the following picture.







1.Basic knowledge of so-called ink marking line work


What is so-called ink marking work? On its purpose and role.

So-called ink marking work at the construction site and civil engineering work is, an important work for setting reference point, and showing precise position and angle.

Based on the design drawing of building and structure, we do marking at the site ground and the wall surface, then secure work progress and building stability.

By precisely showing the pillar, wall, beam, and other location, so-called ink marking work plays a role of stabilizing the building structure.

So-called ink marking work is an important factor for securing the building beauty and symmetry too.



History of so-called ink marking work

So-called ink marking work history and its change of importance:  So-called ink marking work is a skill which has been done from long ago at the construction site.
At the buildings in ancient Egypt and ancient Rome too, so-called ink marking work skill had been used.

At that time, thread and rope were used for setting reference point. But, in the present era, high tech tools such as survey instrument, laser levelling and so on have become to be used.


The importance of so-called ink marking work changed too.
More precise measurement has been required.
So-called ink marking work is also contributing to building stability and enhancement of earthquake resisting property.



Basic terms related to so-called ink marking work and its tools

As to so-called ink marking work, a few basic terms and its tools are concerned.


Firstly, reference point is a point to show a position and angle decided in the design drawing of the building and the structure.
In order to set reference point, so-called ink marking work use thread and so-called ink marking work use peg, survey instrument, and so on are used.


So-called ink marking work use thread is used to show reference position, while so-called ink marking use peg is used for fixing thread.

As to survey instrument, there are level device, optical level, laser level and so on, and they are utilized for more precise measuring result.





2.Procedure and skill of so-called ink marking work

Ink pot

Ink pot



Setting reference point and marking method

As to so-called ink marking work, firstly, based on the building and the structure design drawing, we set reference points.

Reference points are set up at the building edge, pillar, wall and/or other important parts.

By using survey instrument, we decide on the position and height of reference points, and draw a so-called ink marking thread to match them.

So-called ink marking thread is used to show the position of reference point, and it is utilized for marking each part of the building.

For marking, so-called ink marking use peg, tape and so on are used, then we clearly show the building structure and the measurement.



Method of drawing so-called ink marking work and securing accurate angle

So-called ink marking lines are drawn for showing the building and the structural factor.

By drawing so-called ink marking use thread along reference point, and applying ink, we make ink lines.

Ink lines are for precisely showing the position of building wall, pillar and so on.
It plays an important role for checking work progress and building structure.

For drawing the way of ink lines, it is also important to secure accurate angle.

In order to measure the angle precisely, it is typical to use survey instrument and/or level device.




Presision of so-called ink marking work and coping with environmental factor

So-called ink marking work precision is very important for securing building stability and exact measurement.

However, chances are that environmental factor may influence so-called ink marking work precision too.

Wind, vibration, temperature change and so on may possibly influence so-called ink marking work.

Therefore, before doing so-called ink marking work, it is important to consider environmental factor and take necessary measures.

In addition, by doing regular measurement and adjustment, it is also necessary to maintain so-called ink marking work precision.









So-called ink marking work is an indispensable skill at the construction site and civil engineering work.

By setting exact reference point and drawing ink lines, it plays a role of securing building stability and beauty.


There are basic terns, tools, and procedure for so-called ink marking work. By utilizing them suitably, it is possible to do so-called ink marking work with high precision.

Coping with environmental factor and regular adjustment are important factors for so-called ink marking work too.

For the successful work at the construction site, so-called ink marking work skill and knowledge are indispensable.

Please try to challenge so-called ink marking work at the construction site with reference to these pieces of information by all means!




On office building・tenant(shop or store)
original state recovery and restoration work, moving in work,
relocarion, withdrawal, reform work and so on, if you are considering to request,
please be sure to contact our company light heartedly!




Instagram     Twitter     Facebook   

It is also possible to give us your inquiry from SNS social media.
Please be sure to see it together.


From price quotation up to construction work completion,
our company is directly managing and doing construction work by ourselves.

Our aim is, supplying
「reasonable construction work as much as possible, and high quality, better work service」
to our customers.


◆If you look for interior decorative work・original state recovery and restoration
work at Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, please look for Office recovery and restoration Dot.Com.◆

Address: 〒171-0014
4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building
62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

원상회복공사란? 임대의 중요한 포인트


저희 회사는 도쿄도 도시마구이케부쿠로에 사무실을 두고 관동일대에서 인테리어공사원상회복공사를 운영하고 있습니다.


여러분이 임차할때 「원상회복공사」라는 말을 들어신적이 있습니까?

이 말은 임대건물을 퇴거할떄 진행되는 중요한 작업을 가리키고 있습니다.

이번에는 원상회복공사에 대하여 상세하게 설명하겠습니다.




원상회복공사란 임대건물을 빌릴때 진행되는 수선,개수공사를 가리킵니다.

임대건물을 빌릴때 입주시에는 살기 위한 환경이 갖추어져 있지만 퇴거할때는 그 건물을

입주시의 상태로 되돌려야 합니다.

그것을 원상회복이라고 하며  이를 위한 공사를 「원상회복공사라고 부릅니다.


왜 원상회복공사가 필요한가?

원상회복공사는 다음과 같은 이유로부터 아주 중요합니다.

1.계약조건의 이행:임대계약에서는 퇴거시에 건물을 원래의 상태로 되돌리는것이 계약조건으로서 정해져 있습니다.

원상회복공사를 진행하는것으로 계약조건을 이행하고 트러블을 피할수 있습니다.

2.다음의 입주자를 위하여:전의 입주자가 남긴 상처(흠집)랑 더러움(얼룩등)이 남으면 다음의 입주자에게 있어서 불쾌한 상태로 됩니다.

원상회복공사를 진행하는것으로 다음의 입주자에 쾌적한 생활환경을 제공할수 있습니다.

3.보증금(시키킹)의 반환:많은 경우 임대건물을 빌릴때는 보증금이 필요합니다.

원상복구공사를 진행하고 건물을 깨끗한 상태로 되돌리는것으로 보증금의 반환을 순리롭게 받을수 있습니다.



주요한 원상복구공사의 내용

원상복구공사의 내용은 건물의 상태랑 계약내용에 따라 다르지만,

일반적인 내용으로서는 아래와 같은것이 있습니다.

●벽지랑 바닥재의 교환

●상처랑 구멍의 보수

●주방・욕실・화장실 등 물을 사용하는 장소의 청소와 수복

●조명기구의 수리와 교환

●문・창문의 수리와 도장




원상복구(회복)공사는 임대건물을 빌릴때 빠뜨릴수 없는 과정입니다.

계약조건을 지키고 다음의 입주자에게 쾌적한 환경을 제공하여 보증금의 반환을 원활하게 받기 위해서도 확실히 원상복구공사를 진행하는것이 중요합니다.


입주시의 상태로 되돌리는것으로 임대사이클을 유지하고 원활한 입퇴거절차를 실현할수 있습니다.

다음 블로그(일본어)도 같이 참조해주십시오.




오피스빌딩테넌트(가게) 원상복구공사,입주공사,이전,철퇴,리모델링등을 고려하신다면

저희 회사  사무실회복닷컴으로 문의 주세요.

Instagram     Twitter     Facebook   

 으로부터도 문의할수 있습니다. 클릭하여 봐주시면 고맙습니다.


저희 회사는 견적으로부터 시공완료까지 모두 당사에서 실시함으로

고객님께조금이라도 싸게그리고 좋은 품질과 좋은것을제공하기 위하여 노력하고 있습니다.

도시마구의  인테리어업체원상회복공사라면 사무실회복닷컴 


도쿄도 토시마구 이케부쿠로 2-62-10무사시야 3빌딩 4

TEL : 0120-978-226

关于办公室自动化地板| 对于办公室的办公室自动化地板和施工办法

大家好! 我们里是公室修复原状Dot.Com.网站












办公室自动化 指的是,利用电子机器和电脑的办公室里工作。





办公室自动化地板 有各种各样的种类,按照其用途来使用。









这些各个办公室自动化地板 有其特征和好处。













































OAフロアとは? どのようなメリット・デメリットがあり、どのように施工されるのか?





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地址: 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226

On OA (=office automation) floor|About office OA floor and construction method

Hello, everyone! We here are Office recovery and restoration Dot.Com. website.

Our company office is set up at Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo, and in all over Kanto district, we are an interior decorative construction work contractor, mainly taking charge of Interior decorative finishing work・Original state recovery and restoration work for you.


On office interior decorative work, please take counsel with us anything.




Today, we are explaining,

「On OA floor」

which becomes very important area at the office.


Firstly, OA floor is, the area which possesses most of the floor space, which becomes the center place of office work.

OA is an abbreviation of office automation, which is pointed to be an office work using electronic device and computer.

At OA floor, it is playing an important role of corporate output efficiency, promotion of communication and so on.



OA floor| quoted from Naka Corporation, Japan






There are various kinds of OA floor, and it is used for its purpose.

The main kinds are as follows:


Vinyl tile

Carpet tile

Rubber floor


Engineered stone floor


Each kind of OA floor has its own features and advantages. Vinyl tile has abundant color variation, and designability is high. Carpet tile has high heat insulating and sound insulating properties. Rubber floor has high durability. Linoleum has antibacterial and flame resisting properties, and so on. It is possible to choose from them to fit in with its usage and purpose.





The picture quoted from Kyodo KY-tec corporation







【OA floor work procedures】

There are the following procedures for OA floor work:

Base work preparation: Checking the floor surface state, we treat the base to secure the  flatness.

Underlay execution: Underlay is an import layer for enhancing cushioning and water proof properties. It secures floor stability by placing suitable underlay.

OA floor laying: We neatly lay the selected OA floor. We apply adhesive on the back side of the floor material, and place the floor material on the underlay.

Finishing work operation: We use sealant for filling the gap of floor materials, and finish by cleaning the floor surface.


【Advantages of OA floor】

There are quite a few advantages of OA floor. It has durability, and keeps beautiful state for a long time. It also has high abrasive resisting property. As there is little hurting damage by daily use and moving, maintenance is easy.

In addition, as OA floor excels in sound insulating property, it is possible to reduce unwanted sound.

It also excels in heat insulating and water proofing properties. By enhancing air-conditioning efficiency, it realizes to enhance energy efficiency and comfortable room interior environment. As it is stain and water resistant, it is easy to keep clean situation, so, it provides hygienic environment.


Furthermore, OA floor also excels in designability.

It is possible to choose one from various color variation and pattern.

It harmonizes the office and the interior design of commercial facility, so, it arranges a charming space.


OA floor is a choice of the environmental minded too.

A lot of OA floor is made from environment friendly materials, so, it is possible to recycle or use them again.

The materials which do not contain low VOD (volatile organic compound) are used for some of OA floor, which enhances quality of room interior air.






OA floor is a floor material which has a lot of advantages such as comfortability, durability, beauty, ecology considered, and so on. It is the most suitable material for using at the office and commercial facility, and it provides a comfortable work operation environment.


Our company’s experienced specially skilled staffs are executing the highest quality OA floor work.

We do our proposal and execute construction to match our customers’ needs, and hand to you a highly satisfactory work result.


As for your counsel with us or quotation request on OA floor work, please give us your inquiry from our company website, or directly contact to call us.

In order to answer for our customer’s requirement, we will provide the best service to you.


Through OA floor work, we are whole heartedly looking forward to be able to help you make comfortable and charming space.


Please also refer to the below-mentioned blog by all means.


OAフロアとは? どのようなメリット・デメリットがあり、どのように施工されるのか?




On office building・tenant(shop or store)
original state recovery and restoration work, moving in work,
relocarion, withdrawal, reform work and so on, if you are considering to request,
please be sure to contact our company light heartedly!




Instagram     Twitter     Facebook   

It is also possible to give us your inquiry from SNS social media.
Please be sure to see it together.


From price quotation up to construction work completion,
our company is directly managing and doing construction work by ourselves.

Our aim is, supplying
「reasonable construction work as much as possible, and high quality, better work service」
to our customers.


◆If you look for interior decorative work・original state recovery and restoration
work at Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, please look for Office recovery and restoration Dot.Com.◆

Address: 〒171-0014
4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building
62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226

什么是设置地板地面施工作业办法? 关于其优点和施工办法

大家好! 我们里是公室修复原状Dot.Com.网站






















































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地址: 东京都丰岛区池袋2-62-10 武藏屋第三楼四层

免费电话: 0120-978-226

What is floor placement work method? On its merit and construction method

Hello, everyone! We here are Office recovery and restoration Dot.Com. website.

Our company office is at Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo, and in all over Kanto district, we are an interior decorative construction work contractor, mainly taking charge of Interior decorative finishing construction・Original state recovery and restoration work for you.


Today, we are explaining『Floor placement work method』as a construction method.

Floor placement work method is, directly placing building base on the ground and assembling and working, a traditional work method which has been used from long time ago.



Recently, because of its simple and effective character, it is attracting significant notices again.



The merits of floor placement work method


The cost efficiency is high:

It can greatly reduce the cost related to base work.
As it is not necessary to excavate the base, it only requires to flatten the ground, it can save the cost of construction.


Construction period is short
As excavation work is not necessary, the base work time can be saved.
If you would like to shorten building construction schedule, it is particularly suitable.


Earthquake resisting property is high:
As there is no gap between the base and the building, shakings such
as earthquake and so on directly spread to the building easily.

Therefore, earthquake resisting property is enhanced.


Environmental friendly:
As the excavation work is little, the influence to the base and surrounding environment is going to be small.

In addition, occurring of waste material is also diminished.



The work process of floor placement construction method



1.Investigating the ground

We investigate the ground at the building site.
We grasp the ground strength, depression and so on, and work out a suitable measurement.


2.Flattening the ground

If the ground is not flat, we do flattening work operation.
Through doing this, we secure the base stability.


3.Installing base

We install concrete block, steel and so on the ground, and form the base.
It plays a role of scattering the building weight.


4.Building construction

After completing the base, we construct the building.
We install the wall and pillar, then the building construction is finished.




As for floor placement work method, the cost efficiency is high, and the construction period is short.
Therefore, it is also known as a construction work method in the spotlight again recently.


It also excels in earthquake resisting property, so it is known as a work method which is well   environmentally considered too.


However, depending on the ground state, as there are sometimes unsuitable grounds too, the ground investigation in advance is indispensable.


If you are requesting to construct a building, how about considering floor placement work method?


We so far explained the merits of floor placement work and its construction method.



On your interior decorative work such as office original state recovery and restoration work.
please give us your inquiry light heartedly!



On office building・tenant(shop or store)
original state recovery and restoration work, moving in work,
relocarion, withdrawal, reform work and so on, if you are considering to request,
please be sure to contact our company light heartedly!



Instagram     Twitter     Facebook   

It is also possible to give us your inquiry from SNS social media.
Please be sure to see it together.


From price quotation up to construction work completion,
our company is directly managing and doing construction work by ourselves.

Our aim is, supplying
「reasonable construction work as much as possible, and high quality, better work service」
to our customers.


◆If you look for interior decorative work・original state recovery and restoration
work at Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, please look for Office recovery and restoration Dot.Com.◆

Address: 〒171-0014
4th floor, Musashiya No.3 Building
62-10, 2-chome, Ikebukuro, Toshima ward, Tokyo

Free phone: 0120-978-226